Our projects
Global Community Resourcing's extensive project portfolio across a variety of areas in the Primary Health care sector.
Since the inception of Global Community Resourcing, our team has had the privilege to work on over 500 projects with a broad range of partners, collaborators, and across numerous business transformation areas. These projects have been internationally, nationally and locally based. As well these projects have spanned a range of service providers and organisations from those with multi-national coverage covering a range of primary health and community care service provision to single service type stand-alone small service providers with very isolated geographical footprints. We have also completed projects for various governments at all levels both in country and in a range of other countries. All our projects focus on specific quality improvement outcomes, gaining organisational efficiencies, and business transformation.

Established "Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative"

Established “National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians”

ACIITC Executive, Secretariat and Company Secretary

For ACIITC completed “Digital Health Workforce Capability Project in collaboration with Australasian Institute of Digital Health”

For ACIITC completed “Data Standardisation in Aged Care”

For ACIITC completed “Improving Quality Use of Clinical Care Systems in Australian Aged Care”

For ACIITC published “Version 3: My Health Record Guidelines for Residential Aged Care”

For ACIITC completed “Digital Workforce in Residential Aged Care”

For ACIITC completed “Digital Maturity in Aged and Community Care”

For ACIITC published ‘My Health Record Guidelines for Residential Aged Care”

For ACIITC completed “Clinical Use of Clinical Care Systems in Residential Aged Care” Final Report

For ACIITC completed “Terminology Standardisation”

For ACIITC completed “Report on RACF Use of Clinical Care Systems Rural and Remote”

For ACIITC completed “National Digital Maturity Awareness and Training Series”

For ACIITC completed “Development of My Health Record Guidelines”

For ACIITC completed “Development of Star Ratings for residential aged care"

For ACIITC completed “Report on Use of Clinical Care Systems in Residential Aged Care"

For ACIITC completed “Connecting Care Program”

For Redland City Council completed “Ageing Enabled and Innovatively on Island Communities”

For ACIITC completed “CARE-IT"

For ACIITC completed “Living Labs for Australian Aged and Community Care Industry”

For ACIITC delivered “Responses to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety”

For ACIITC delivered “Mentoring Program”

For ACIITC published “A Report on what the Research and Evidence is indicating”

For UniSC completed “NDIS Workforce Research Reports”

For the QLD Gov completed “Innovative Solutions During Periods of Emergencies”

For Central Queensland University completed “Caring for Carers of People with Dementia”

For ACIITC published “Technology Roadmap for Aged Care in Australia”

Advance Queensland Innovation Program Logan & Redlands

For a National Aged Care Provider completed “Digital Inclusion Project”

International Tour – Europe, focused on leading edge technology and consumer lead service innovation

UK Community Care Client Management Platform

Innovative Business Visitors Schemes

Australian Council of Learning Academies – Book on Assistive Technology

For Queensland Government established “Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative”

National Tour and Roadshow – Smart Assistive Technologies in lead up to NDIS