Caption: National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians official website launch (Left to Right) Ms Caroline Carroll OAM, Ms Anne Livingstone, Ms Lana Syed-Waasdorp, Minister for Children and Youth Justice & Minister for Multicultural Affairs the Hon Leanne Linard, Ms Gloria Lovely, and Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Taskforce Chair Mr Bob Atkinson.
The Future of Ageing Award has recognised the outstanding community engagement efforts of the National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians (National Roundtable). This prestigious award celebrates initiatives that positively impact the lives of older individuals and promote their well-being.
The National Roundtable’s dedication to supporting Forgotten Australians, who experienced institutional ‘care’ during their childhood, has made a remarkable difference in highlighting the changes needed in aged and community care to tailor-make appropriate services for Forgotten Australians.
The National Roundtable is a collaboration that brings together various stakeholders, including aged care providers, Government representatives, advocacy groups, and Forgotten Australians themselves. The National Roundtable aims to address the unique challenges faced by this marginalised group and create tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. By actively involving Forgotten Australians in decision-making processes, their voices are heard, and their experiences shape the policies and practices within the aged and community care sector. The National Roundtable facilitates meaningful dialogue, encourages participation, and empowers Forgotten Australians to be agents of change. Through this inclusive approach, the National Roundtable has fostered a sense of belonging and restored dignity among Forgotten Australians. It has provided them with a platform to share their stories, advocate for their rights, and collaborate with industry leaders to improve the quality of care and support available to them as they age.
The Future of Ageing Award highlights the significance of community engagement in promoting social inclusion, fostering empathy, and ensuring the well-being of older individuals who have experienced trauma and neglect. The National Roundtable serves as a model for community-driven initiatives, inspiring others to engage with marginalised groups and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.
The recognition received through this prestigious award not only validates the National Roundtable's efforts but also raises awareness about the importance of supporting Forgotten Australians and addressing their unique needs. It serves as a catalyst for further action and collaboration, driving positive change in the aged and community care sector.
Congratulations to the National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians for this important award and all stakeholders involved in making the work of the National Roundtable possible.