AI: Revolutionising and Transforming Community Care National conference
Dr Graham Ferguson
Senior Lecturer, School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Curtin University
About Speaker
Dr Graham Ferguson began his career studying economics and transitioned into marketing before becoming a big data analyst. He then moved into consulting and now leads an academic research team focused on the needs of vulnerable consumers. His work centers on innovating and fostering the development of markets that empower vulnerable consumers, giving them the agency to meet their own needs.
About Presentation
Title "AI as a tool to interpret mixed method data: Considerations for Community Care assessment"
AI offers many opportunities to streamline data collection, aggregation, evaluation and report creation. This is particularly so where data is verbatim, semi-structured, complex and nuanced; and where it needs to be sorted, aggregated, and evaluated, before being compiled into person-centred care plans. This is the situation for many community service assessments and re-assessments – there is a lot of information gathered and the key is to aggregate disparate pieces of data together to gain an individualised view of services required and level of funding. We will explore the role and usefulness of AI to streamline capture & scripting of responses, aggregate related information; assess that data against a set of standards; and structure the resultant output to support and explain individualised funding and support decisions. Evidence from AI trial analysis of mixed qualitative/quantitative data will be used to illustrate the barriers and enablers of using AI as an assessment partner.