AI: Revolutionising and Transforming Community Care National conference

Mr Chris Beaumont
Service Design and Implementation Partner, Endeavour Foundation
About Speaker
With over 35 years working in human services – 28 of these in the disability sector including roles from Frontline to Senior Management, Chris now works in Product Design and Development, facilitating a human centred design approach to work with customers, families and staff to create contemporary products and services for people with a disability. Focusing on technology learning solutions, Chris has pioneered the use of Virtual Reality as a learning tool for people with an intellectual disability. Continuing to oversee the development and implementation of the suite of virtual reality learning products and video learning modules offered by Endeavour Foundation, Chris continues to work with new technologies including 360 video, Social Robotics, 3D Printing and Artificial Intelligence. Working across many sectors, Chris closely collaborates with many leading universities while having implemented many of these sector leading products into 50+ schools nationally. Excited and amazed at the opportunities AI is bringing to people with a disability, Chris is looking forward to the impact this technology will bring to all.
About Presentation
Title: Consumer Focused Care Meets AI
This presentation will explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on disability service delivery through multiple projects conducted by the Endeavour Foundation and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). This presentation will highlight how AI technologies are empowering individuals with disabilities to live more independent lives by enabling them to construct their own care and progress notes independently or with minimal assistance. Mr Chris Beaumont will discuss how AI is enhancing the skills of support workers, enabling them to write higher-quality reports and provide better care. Other projects showcased in this presentation include the innovative use of AI to provide support to participants when their regular support networks are unavailable. The presentation will delve into the practical applications of AI in disability services and the ongoing research that surrounds these initiatives.